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miércoles, noviembre 12, 2008

Gladio: Terrorismo OTAN en Europa

Documental en inglés de la BBC 2 sobre la Operacion Gladio:

'Deception is a state of mind and the mind of the State' - James Jesus Angleton, Head of CIA Counter Intelligence 1954-1974

Originally aired on BBC2 in 1992, 'Operation Gladio' reveals 'Gladio', the secret state-sponsored terror network operating in Europe.

This BBC series is about a far-right secret army, operated by the CIA and MI6 through NATO, which killed hundreds of innocent Europeans and attempted to blame the deaths on Baader Meinhof, Red Brigades and other left wing groups. Known as 'stay-behinds' these armies were given access to military equipment which was supposed to be used for sabotage after a Soviet invasion. Instead it was used in massacres across mainland Europe as part of a CIA Strategy of Tension. Gladio killing sprees in Belgium and Italy were carried out for the purpose of frightening the national political classes into adopting U.S. policies.

Director Allan Frankovich

Operation Gladio
'One of the most secret programs that ever existed'

Part 1: The Ring Masters

Part 2: The Puppeteers

Part 3: The Foot Soldiers

Libro en inglés sobre la Operación Gladio y las redes terroristas de la OTAN:

NATOS's secret armies. Operation Gladio and Terrorism in Western Europe"

Subject: Operation Gladio
Asked on 13 November whether a Spanish branch of this alleged network existed, Defence Minister Narcis Serra said that the Socialist Party had found nothing of the kind when they took office in 1982. Today’s press reports that the Minister has nonetheless decided to set up an investigation: He will shortly have to answer a PQ from an izquierda unida deputy on the subject.

El Ministerio de Asuntos Exteriores y de la Commonwealth de su Majestad la Reina de Inglaterra y Reino Unido de acuerdo al decreto ley sobre la libertad de información declaró lo siguiente relativo a la Operación Gladio el 31 de mayo 2006.

Subject: Operation Gladio
Defence Minister answered questions on Spanish involvement with the alleged Gladio network during an appearance before the Chamber of Deputies Defence Commission on 12 December. The main points were:
the Spanish Military Intelligence Organisation, CESID, was invited to join the allied co-ordinating committee running Gladio in July 1982, immediately after Spain’s entry into NATO. CESID replied in October 1982, postponing Spanish entry into the network.
The invitation was renewed in February 1987.CESID replied in November 1987, refusing membership.
if, as has been alleged, links were discovered between the Spanish and Italian ultra-right, the evidence would be placed before the courts: “but it seems that at no point have such links been made via NATO”
no evidence had been found of a Gladio training centre at Maspalomas in the Canary Islands.
the investigation into contacts between NATO and the Spanish intelligence services under Franco continued; it was unlikely to yield significant results, although such contacts had taken place.

El secretario de la OTAN elude precisar si España tuvo relación con la red Gladio

Un ex agente italiano dice que recibió entrenamiento en Canarias

Canarias, zona de entrenamiento de Gladio

La sociedad canaria se convulsionó cuando, tras el rotundo No que dio a la permanencia de España en la OTAN en el año 1985, se descubrió que la red Gladio tuvo un campo de entrenamiento en Maspalomas en los años sesenta y setenta. Gladio era una estructura paramilitar, secreta e ilegal cuya existencia había sido reconocida por las autoridades de la mayor parte de los países de la OTAN.

La noticia saltó el 23 de noviembre de este 1990 y cuatro días más tarde, el ex coronel del ejército italiano Alberto Vollo, confirmó que también la zona de La Isleta, en Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, fue utilizada por la organización para realizar sus prácticas de tiro. Este año terminó con relación a este asunto el 11 de diciembre, cuando el propio ministro de Defensa, Narcís Serra, admitió las conexiones de Gladio con los servicios secretos españoles.

Otro documental sobre el tema:
L'Orchestre Noir

Montejurra 1976 massacre

On May 9, 1976, less than a year after Francisco Franco's death, the Carlist party was victim of a violent incident organized by Franco's supporters, who still controlled the state apparatus. Ricardo García Pellejero and Aniano Jiménez Santo, two supporters of Carlist pretender Carlos-Hugo de Borbón-Parma, were murdered by far-right gunmen[1]. At the time of the events, the British magazine The Economist speculated about possible Government involvement in the events:

"The region is so tightly policed that opposition parties find it difficult to hold even small private meetings. Yet somehow on a hilltop surrounded by civil guards, more than 50 gunmen could establish themselves for 24 hours, set up an ambush, open fire and make their getaway without attracting official attention."[2]

Among the perpetrators of the crime were Gladio operative Stefano Delle Chiaie and fifteen former members of the Argentine Anticommunist Alliance (Triple A), including Rodolfo Almirón, who later became Manuel Fraga's chief of personal security [3]. Jean Pierre Cherid, former member of the French OAS and then of the GAL death squad, was also present.

Jean Pierre Cherid (died on March 19, 1984 in Biarritz, France [1]) was a far right French activist, who first became a member of the OAS during the Algerian War (1954-1962), and then belonged to the Spanish GAL death squad (he had already been a key figure of the Batallón Vasco Español, BVE death squad [2]). A former French paratrooper, he took part in the 1978 assassination of Argala, an etarra who had participated to the 1973 assassination of Franco's Prime minister Luis Carrero Blanco. Cherid died in 1984 in an explosion which happened during the manipulation of explosives destined to attempt to assassinate the ETA's executive committee. [3]. Jean Pierre Cherid was also present during the 1976 Montejurra massacre against left-wing Carlists [4]. Former Spanish Interior Minister José Barrionuevo (condemned for his implication in the GAL) ordered that Cherid's widow receive a life pension

Rodolfo Almirón Sena (1935-Present) is an Argentine and former police officer who was one of the leaders of an extreme right-wing death squad called Triple A, that operated throughout the 1970s. The group is held responsible for 1,500 murders of government opponents, and Almiron is charged with being one of the chiefs and organizers of the squad. After fleeing away from the country in 1975 with the help of José Lopez Rega, the founder of the Triple A and minister of Juan Peron, he became in Spain Manuel Fraga Iribarne's chief of personal security [1]. His presence in Spain was kept secret until 2006 in order to protect the Popular Alliance's image, precursor of the current conservative Partido Popular [1]. El Mundo newspaper located him in December 2006, living in Torrent in a flat paid by the Communidad Valenciana region, and interviewed him on December 17

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